Thursday, December 2, 2010

Blogging about blogging

Blogging has become a very popular way for people publishing their thoughts online. Anyone can start a blog and write about whatever they want. Because anyone and everyone can publish whatever they want for the world to see, it doesn't have to be accurate. Blogs are usually based on opinions and not facts. That's one reason why blogs are very good. People are allowed to express their opinions to the world very easily. Otherwise they might not make the effort to publish their thoughts anywhere else. Some people blog in order to get their thoughts heard. However this is an extremely naive thought that new bloggers have. What they don't understand is how difficult it is to get many followers and views and that maybe they aren't as exciting as they thought they were. Getting attention from a long range and large number of people isn't going to occur automatically. While some people just want to draw attention with their blog, some write because they like writing. They don't care about viewers, they just enjoy the writing itself. They do it for themselves in order to express themselves to others, whether "others" are reading or not. The reason why people blog varies and it has changed the way some people view writing. Blogging might make writing more appealing. Instead of sitting at a desk with pen and paper, they are typing on a computer, where writing may come easier. Since the Internet first formed, writing has certainly changed a lot.